The day in which a new revolution was born .This revolution changed alot of things .
The revolution continued 18 days. In 18 days Egypt has totally changed.
In this revolution all the Egyptians were one hand
Muslims and Christians helped each other alot.
Many things had been done for this country in the period from 25th January till 11th February like dismissal of the government,amendment to the constitution ,Hosny Mubarak and his son wont stand for presidency ,Gamal Mubarak resigned from the NDP and resignation of president Mubarak on governance .
This revolution made difference in Egyptians .they gained confidence and knew that they are able to change anything by being one hand.
We have to keep what we did in the revolution by keeping our country clean and safe and helping each others.
This revolution will be written in history ,so the whole world can know who are the Egyptians